Out of the Box Muscle Building

You CAN change yourself.
When I first started weight training at 12, I was a fanatical football fan. I'd watch all day, gorge myself on protein shakes and snacks, and workout between games and during halftime breaks.
When I finally stopped training like a madman, I started making gains.
Huge gains.
The less I trained, the more strength and size I added.
Life is a big conflicting and confusing and counter-intuitive thing, right?
When I was a skinny hardgainer, I was lifting every day, doing many sets of many exercises. I ate all damned day long.
After all, that's what all the bodybuilding mags said to do. Hell, “hardgainer” wasn't even a thing back then – you were just an ectomorph.
After years of frustration, I took a different approach.
- I cut out cardio.
- I lifted 3x a week.
- Heavy.
- Few sets.
- Low reps (3-6) for upper body.
- High reps and HEAVY weights for legs (15-25), like Tom Platz.
That year I did that, I gained 60 pounds and was still under 6 percent body fat.
Don't ever let anybody tell you that's impossible. I did it. I know you can, too.
No steroids, either.
If you want to – but you must think out of the box.
Like I did.
If it ain't working, stop doing it. Try something else.
After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Ain't. Gonna. Happen.