
Monthly Archives: April 2011

Reader Survey #1

In the spirit of making better, I'm requesting that you take a survey that will help me deliver a better experience for you when you visit. Click Here to take survey I greatly appreciate your input! Please be candid. NOTE: If you're a current subscriber, you'll be getting an email with a survey request. There is no need to take the survey twice.

4 Effective Training Tips For the Core

Syndicated from eZineArticles
How do you know if you are getting the most from your core training program? It sounds like a simple question; but it's not. I mean with the ever increasing knowledge and understanding of the body's core, more and more information is being released for us to review and utilize. It's difficult to stay on top of the latest and most effective / efficient techniques. Read more…

Six Pack Exercises – What You May Not Know

Syndicated from eZineArticles
Are you doing six pack exercises or maybe even your just starting out? If you're not doing the right steps, it is going to be time that you have wasted. Once you know the right steps then you will be on your way to having those sexy six pack abs. Read more…

Special on Prograde Longevity Ends Today

I'll cut the crap. This stuff is superfood. And it's on sale. You should check it out!

Now, here's the crap 🙂

It seems like everytime you go to the grocery store checkout you see another magazine article on the latest superfood. So when I got this update from my partners over at Prograde I knew I had to share it with you.


Just how "super" are these superfoods you hear about all the time now?

Are they all they're cracked up to be?

Or are they just hype?

How many of them do you have to eat?

How often?

Can they really make you younger?

I explain it all right here: Prograde

Don't forget, your chance to save 20% on Prograde Longevity ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm EST, so hurry and get your order in now.


bodybuilder guy

Want Faster Results?

Look, I know how hard it is to build muscle. Trust me when I tell you it took me 20+ years to figure it out. But once I did--BAM!--muscle appeared almost overnight. Give me your email address and I'll send you the keys.