Category Archives for "Inspiration"Bodybuilding Inspiration
Bodybuilding Inspiration
Love this guy!
He curses a lot, so don't ever watch a CT Fletcher video at work or in front of your small children.
But damn if he isn't super inspirational!
Pick you up? Yeah, I thought it would.
…and it's not good.
I've been lucky most of my life.
Lean, healthy, can take a beating. Strong, fast, and active. Smart, inquisitive, and kind.
But too much stress, too little rest, and shortcuts have killed my metabolism, fucked up my heart, and cut my T in half.
So it's time to get really fucking serious.
I'm too young to feel this damned old. Plus, I have 4 kids, all under 11 years old (my youngest just turned 2).
I ain't having no more. Trip to the doc's a couple years back virtually guarantees that! (snip snip)
I need to be here with them. And I love my wife and want to spend another 50 years with her.
Early death isn't an option.
And zest for life is a high priority.
This is what I'm going to do:
Dang, I didn't mean to lay it all out on you. But I bet at some point, you've faced similar challenges. And I bet you overcame them, just like I will.
Here's the supplement stack I mentioned:
If the above doesn't produce results (mostly in higher T levels, losing body fat, and feeling better), I will pursue the HRT path – yes, sticking myself with freaking needles full of testosterone.
I'm reading up on all of that now. I've been in consultation with a doctor who is open-minded about this sort of thing, which I've found is pretty darn rare.
Tom Platz was a High Intensity Training BEAST back in the '80s. He was a true contender for the biggest bodybuilding prize of all – the Mr. Olympia. He came close a couple times but never won.
Many suggest it was because his legs were overdeveloped, which left his massive upper body out of balance.
I disagree.
I think his reputation preceded him into competitions. By this I mean that judges had preconceived notions of this imbalance that no longer existed.
In short, Platz kept his massive, awesome leg development and built up his upper body to epic proportions.
While reviewing information this morning, I came across this current video of Platz.
In it, Tom talks about his past, the 1981 Mr. O, his mindset, and how he was so focused he didn't even know who was on the stage with him!
I love Arnold! Who doesn't? I know, he's had some indiscretions, and for that, I cannot apologize for him. I don't like that.
But as far as bodybuilding and acting go, he's awesome.
Below is a video I really needed today. I hope you find it as motivating as I do.
Enjoy your weekend – and PUMP SOME IRON!
Look, I know how hard it is to build muscle. Trust me when I tell you it took me 20+ years to figure it out. But once I did--BAM!--muscle appeared almost overnight. Give me your email address and I'll send you the keys.