So I got my testosterone test results back…

This is how I feel right now
…and it's not good.
I've been lucky most of my life.
Lean, healthy, can take a beating. Strong, fast, and active. Smart, inquisitive, and kind.
But too much stress, too little rest, and shortcuts have killed my metabolism, fucked up my heart, and cut my T in half.
So it's time to get really fucking serious.
I'm too young to feel this damned old. Plus, I have 4 kids, all under 11 years old (my youngest just turned 2).
I ain't having no more. Trip to the doc's a couple years back virtually guarantees that! (snip snip)
I need to be here with them. And I love my wife and want to spend another 50 years with her.
Early death isn't an option.
And zest for life is a high priority.
This is what I'm going to do:
- MOVE every. damned. day. Do something active and physical for 60 minutes. I may split this into 2 sessions of 30 minutes each due to time constraints.
- Meditate. I need to calm the hell down. Relax. Chill.
- Lift weights 3-4 times a week. I still haven't decided if I want to do my trusted 3x a week split or a M-Tu-Th-Fr split. I've had my best results on the 3x split but 4 days a week may prove more beneficial at this point in time. Hell, I should just try both.
- Cardio 5x a week, in the gym. At least 30 minutes every day at a fairly high intensity.
- Go back to small, frequent meals. I've experimented with intermittent fasting (don't eat from 8pm until 12pm the following day). It's easy, but totally ineffective for me.
- I need to drop 40 pounds. I know. How the fuck did I get this out of shape? Shit, I could see myself getting fatter. Why didn't I just turn this fatass around before it got out of hand? Reasons, that's why 🙂
- Use supplements wisely. Below I will post my “supplement stack.” I've always been a huge believer in supplementing for specific effects. Now is the time.
- Mindset matters: That's where the meditation comes in. Plus, I'm going to try the wishy washy “affirmations” and “gratitude.” Yes, I said it. It's feel-good shit but man, in the past, when I did it, I'll be damned if it didn't work! Visualization will play a role here, too.
- I'm going to write more. Writing is my heaven, my safe place, my mental yoga.
Dang, I didn't mean to lay it all out on you. But I bet at some point, you've faced similar challenges. And I bet you overcame them, just like I will.
Here's the supplement stack I mentioned:
- Omega 3s from krill oil
- A good food-based multi-vitamin/mineral
- A supplement I've used in the past that made me feel great – Longevity
- A supplement I've researched that can naturally help T levels (and I know it works in the libido area, because I've tried it – it works super fast and doesn't have any noticeable side effects like I've heard Viagra and its cousins have) – K20
- To help metabolize fat and keep my insulin and glucose levels where they should be – Gluco Guardian
- I have used, and will use now and in the future, MexRx – I love this stuff!
If the above doesn't produce results (mostly in higher T levels, losing body fat, and feeling better), I will pursue the HRT path – yes, sticking myself with freaking needles full of testosterone.
I'm reading up on all of that now. I've been in consultation with a doctor who is open-minded about this sort of thing, which I've found is pretty darn rare.